Editor: J.C. van Lenteren (Joop.vanLenteren@wur.nl)
Download: IOBC Internet Book of Biological Control, version 6 (pdf)
Aim: to present the history, the current state of affairs and the future of biological control in order to show that this control method is sound, safe and sustainable
Appendix 1. An overview of national and regional biological control books
Appendix 2: Glossary
Appendix 3: Guidelines for the export, shipment, import and release of biological control agents 2005
Appendix 4: EPPO standard on import and release of natural enemies
Appendix 5: White list of natural enemies
New Chapter: Evaluation and ranking of new natural enemies
New Chapter: Benefits and costs of biological control
New Chapter: Environmental risks and risk assessment of natural enemies
New Chapter: Mistakes and misunderstandings about biological control
Appendix 2: Glossary of terms related to biological control
Appendix 3: Guidelines for the export, shipment, import and release of biological control agents (ISPM 3, 2005)
Appendix 4: EPPO standard on import and release of natural enemies
Appendix 5: White list of natural enemies
Additions to Chapter 3 and 4
Aditions to Appendix 1: overview of national and regional biological control book
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