
Executive Committee 2025-2028:

President Dr. Raghu Sathyamurthy, CSIRO, AUSTRALIA

Dr. Rose Buitenhuis, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, CANADA
Prof. Vanda Bueno, Department of Entomology, Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais, BRAZIL

Secretary General: Dr. John Holland, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UNITED KINGDOM
Treasurer: Dr. Pablo Urbaneja-Bernal, Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, Cabrils, SPAIN
Past-President: Martin Hill, Rhodes University, SOUTH AFRICA

Contact details can be found on the contacts page.

In addition to the Global organisation, IOBC has 6 Regional Sections. Each Regional Section has its own President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary/Treasurer.

There are also Working Groups (WG) within Global IOBC. These are forums for special interest groups, developed under the IOBC umbrella, and they serve to promote communication between biological-control workers interested in particular topics. Working Groups hold meetings, specialist conferences or symposia, and communicate through newsletters and email (List of current WG). Regional Sections may also have Working Groups.

General Assembly

The General Assembly elects for a term of four years the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary General. It decides on any modification to the Statutes (pdf).
The purpose of the General Assembly is to give Members the opportunity to express opinions on the activities of the organisation and to make recommendations to the Council.


The Council consists of the members of the Executive Committee and one representative from each Regional Section.
It is responsible for the functioning of the organisation, and in particular for:

  • stimulating international cooperation;
  • providing advice and information;
  • promoting and approving the establishment of Regional Sections and coordinating interregional activities;
  • developing cooperative programs with other international organisations,
  • presenting progress reports and programmes of activity annually to Members and to each General Assembly;
  • preparing the budget;
  • preparing the agenda of the General Assembly and
  • organizing votes

The Council establishes services of general interest to Members, particularly relating to documentation, information and publication, and acts in such other ways as to promote the objectives of the organisation.
The Council formulates and amends By-laws (pdf).

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the President, the immediate Past-President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary General. It is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Council and takes care of the day to day affairs of IOBC.

Logo: International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC)

IOBC Statutes (pdf)  

IOBC Bye-laws (pdf)