© Matthew Kaiser
Coleomegilla maculata (spotted ladybeetle), © Mathieu B Morin
Coleomegilla maculata (spotted ladybeetle), © Mathieu B Morin
© Mathieu B Morin
© Jacques Brodeur
Coleomegilla maculata (spotted ladybeetle), © Mathieu B Morinn
© Mathieu B Morin
© AgResearchn
The International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC) promotes environmentally safe methods of pest and disease control. It is a voluntary organisation of biological-control workers.
Membership in IOBC gives individuals and organisations the opportunity to participate in biological control activities beyond their specific jobs and workplaces, to step outside their bureaucracies, and to contribute to the promotion of biological control worldwide.
and the Pacific Regional Section |
Tropical Regional Section |
Palearctic Regional Section |
Regional Section |
Regional Section |
Palearctic Regional Section |
"Have a passion and follow it through with conviction!"
This interview introduces the IOBC-Global President elected for the period 2025-2028, Raghu Sathyamurthy. It outlines his career, lets the audience know what opportunities he sees for IOBC, where he would like to focus during his term and much more. Last but not least, Raghu talks about what defines him as a private person, what his favourite hobby is and what he would like to pass on to the next generation of biocontrol scientists and practitioners.
The congress attracted 320 delegates of 40 countries to an excellent venue, where the science was of a high standard and the debate robust. There were six excellent plenary papers covering the entire value chain of biological control that really set the scene for the congress, where 162 papers and 52 posters were presented.
How did you become a biological control practitioner?
There is no straightforward answers to this questions as there are many roads to obtain a position in biological control.
Check out the shared career paths to become a biological control practitioner!
Share your own career path, a few sentences (and an optional picture) will suffice: secretary-general@iobc-global.org
Worldwide Education in Biological Control
IOBC Global often receives questions about education and training possibilities for biological control. Please provide information about YOUR education and training opportunities. We will publish it on the Global website. Send the information to secretary-general@iobc-global.org as follows:
Financial Support for Biocontrol Training
IOBC-Global may financially support participation of young career biological control scientists (< 35 years) who are paying member of one of the Regional Sections of IOBC, so they can take part in a training course. Guidelines and conditions for funding: Information about proposals for IOBC support of a training course (pdf).
Non-native English speakers sometimes need help in preparing scientific articles for publication in English language journals.
IOBC Global is establishing a pool of volunteers to help review and edit these articles, especially for young scientists. The editing is not focused on scientific content, but rather on language use and clarity. Please contact the Secretary General if you are willing to volunteer.
16th Workshop of the IOBC-MRQA Working Group: Innovations in rearing high-quality invertebrates
27-31 October 2025
Tucson, AZ, USA.
Joint meeting of the IOBC-Global Working Group on Mass Rearing & Quality Assurance (MRQA) and the Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers (ANBP)
The workshop objective is to explore opportunities for advancing the rearing of high quality entomophagous and phytophagous insects and mites, entomopathogenic nematodes, and other invertebrates for plant and animal pest management, human and animal food, and a variety of other uses.
29th International Working Group of Ostrinia and Other Maize Pests (IWGO) Conference
28-31 October 2025
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
We like to inform you that we will partner with the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) who will co-host the IWGO event at their MARDI Auditorium on the MARDI campus in Putrajaya, away from the hustle of Kuala Lumpur city.
XVII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds,
8-13 March 2026
Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand.
The International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (ISBCW) is the most important event for weed biocontrol scientists from all over the world.
Control Biológico en América Latina y el Caribe: Su rica historia y futuro brillante (Spanish version of Biological Control in Latin America and the Caribbean)
IOBC: History of the First 50 Years (1956-2006).
Edited by: Boller, E.F., J.C. van Lenteren and V. Delucchi, 287 pp.
The book is available as free PDF.
It's a clearinghouse for interesting information on biological control - feel free to follow it and post to it!
The Official Journal of IOBC
Special Issue on Conservation Biological Control of Stink Bugs,
Volume 70, Issue 2, April 2025, Table of Contents
Newsletter 116, Feb. 2025
Get the latest information about IOBC and enjoy reading!
Newsletter 116 (pdf)
Newsletter contributions, ideas, comments: Contact secretary-general@iobc-global.org
After a few years of hard work, writing and revising documents, and negotiations with lawyers IOBC-Global is since the end of July 2024 officially registered as a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Switzerland.
The IOBC-WPRS Regional Section offers the opportunity of drawing attention to biological control related job opportunities, internships, post-docs, studentships etc.: https://iobc-wprs.org/job-opportunities